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Huff's Union Church is proud to be a bi-denominational congregational, which means we feel we have the best of both worlds: United Church of Christ and Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, two denominations who trace their roots back to the Protestant Reformation, but who continue to be reformed and renewed to this very day. 


Because Huff's is a rather unique congregation, we encourage anyone wishing additional information, including how to become a member, to make an appointment to speak with the pastor or someone from church council.  Please call the church office to schedule a time to meet.  (610-845-2626)

No matter what your previous religious background, or lack of it, you are welcome at Huff's. We accept new members through the sacrament of Christian baptism (we wet your head with water and ask your to pledge your allegiance to Jesus Christ as part of our worship service), through transfer from other congregations, or through affirmation of faith (if you have already been baptized, we ask you to renew the vows of unity with Christ made at your baptism.)


New members are asked to choose a sponsor from the congregation, to help you accumulate to Huff's practices.

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